Lumiera  0.pre.03
»edit your freedom«
session Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for session:



file  abstractmo.cpp [code]
file  abstractmo.hpp [code]
file  allocation.cpp [code]
file  allocation.hpp [code]
file  auto.cpp [code]
file  auto.hpp [code]
file  steam/mobject/session/binding.cpp [code]
 Implementation details of the Binding MObject to tie a sequence into a timeline or virtual clip.
file  steam/mobject/session/binding.hpp [code]
 MObject in session to represent the top-level binding of a sequence.
file  bus-mo.cpp [code]
 Implementation details for a processing pipe representation in the Session model.
file  bus-mo.hpp [code]
 MObject in the Session to represent a processing pipe.
file  mobject/session/clip.cpp [code]
 Implementation details regarding a media clip as integrated into the edit / session model.
file  mobject/session/clip.hpp [code]
 MObject in the Session to represent a clip on the timeline.
file  constraint.cpp [code]
file  constraint.hpp [code]
 Specialised LocatingPin for use in placements.
file  dummy-session-connection.cpp [code]
 Implementation details to build some scaffolding for UI<–>Session integration.
file  dummy-session-connection.hpp [code]
 Dummy and scaffolding to help development of the UI - Session connection.
file  mobject/session/effect.cpp [code]
file  mobject/session/effect.hpp [code]
file  element-query.hpp [code]
 Search and query services to discover contents of the session.
file  fixedlocation.cpp [code]
file  fixedlocation.hpp [code]
 Specialised LocatingPin for use in Placement, especially for globally fixed positions The FixedLocation is assumed to play a central role within the Build process, which ultimately aims ad resolving any part of the session into either a wiring directive or a piece of media or processing to happen at a location fixed in time.
file  fork.cpp [code]
 Implementation of the basic grouping device within the session ("Track" / "Media Bin")
file  fork.hpp [code]
 Organisational grouping device within the Session model ("Track" / "Media Bin").
file  generator-mo.cpp [code]
file  generator-mo.hpp [code]
 A data generator media object.
file  label.cpp [code]
file  label.hpp [code]
 A marker or reference point in the Session.
file  lifecycle-advisor.hpp [code]
 Implementation facility providing an operation skeleton of session lifecycle.
file  locatingpin.cpp [code]
 Implementation of the query resolving mechanics within a Placement.
file  locatingpin.hpp [code]
 Implementing the Placement mechanics.
file  mobject/session/meta.cpp [code]
 implementation details regarding the Meta asset abstraction
file  mobject/session/meta.hpp [code]
 Intermediate Asset interface: metadata and processing instructions.
file  mobjectfactory.cpp [code]
file  mobjectfactory.hpp [code]
 Core factory to generate media objects for use in the Session model.
file  placement-index-query-resolver.cpp [code]
file  placement-index-query-resolver.hpp [code]
 Implementing resolution of "discover contents"-queries based on PlacementIndex.
file  placement-index.cpp [code]
 Implementation of core session storage structure.
file  placement-index.hpp [code]
 Core of the session implementation datastructure.
file  plug.cpp [code]
file  plug.hpp [code]
file  query-focus-stack.hpp [code]
 Implementation facility to work with and navigate nested scopes.
file  query-focus.cpp [code]
file  query-focus.hpp [code]
 Representation of the current scope when navigating the session model.
file  relativelocation.cpp [code]
 LocatingPin (constraint) to attach media objects relative to each other.
file  relativelocation.hpp [code]
file  root.cpp [code]
file  root.hpp [code]
 MObject within the session to represent "the session itself".
file  scope-locator.hpp [code]
 Service to build the notion of a current location within the Sesison model.
file  scope-path.cpp [code]
file  scope-path.hpp [code]
 An Object representing a sequence of nested scopes within the Session.
file  scope-query.hpp [code]
 Specific queries to explore contents of a scope within the high-level model.
file  scope.cpp [code]
 Implementation of placement scopes and scope locator.
file  scope.hpp [code]
file  sess-manager-impl.cpp [code]
 Implementation of the Session management functions.
file  sess-manager-impl.hpp [code]
 Implementation facility for session management.
file  session-impl.cpp [code]
 Implementation of the global session datastructure.
file  session-impl.hpp [code]
 Session and SessionServices Implementation classes.
file  session-interface-modules.hpp [code]
 Self-contained sub-elements on the Session API.
file  session-query.hpp [code]
 Supporting queries for session contents.
file  session-service-defaults.hpp [code]
 Implementation level session API: to manage default configured objects.
file  session-service-explore-scope.hpp [code]
 Implementation level session API: query a scope.
file  session-service-fetch.hpp [code]
 Implementation level session API: resolve a Placement by hash-ID.
file  session-service-mock-index.hpp [code]
 Implementation level session API: PlacementIndex mock for tests.
file  session-service-mutate.hpp [code]
 Implementation level session API: add or remove Session contents.
file  session-services.cpp [code]
 Implementation of some top-level internal services of the session.
file  session-services.hpp [code]
 A mechanism for exposing and accessing implementation level services of the session.
file  session.cpp [code]
 Actual connection between the Session interface and its Implementation.
file  specific-contents-query.hpp [code]
 Implementation facility to query and retrieve session context with filtering conditions.
file  wish.cpp [code]
file  wish.hpp [code]