32 #ifndef ENGINE_NODEFACTORY_H 33 #define ENGINE_NODEFACTORY_H 42 namespace lib {
class AllocationCluster; }
50 typedef Placement<Effect> PEffect;
A refcounting Handle to an MObject of type MO, used to constrain or explicitly specify the location w...
Interface to the processing nodes and the render nodes network.
Core abstraction: placement of a media object into session context.
Steam-Layer implementation namespace root.
Namespace of Session and user visible high-level objects.
Implementation namespace for support and library code.
Create processing nodes based on given objects of the high-level model.
Mechanism to wire ProcNode instances for a render network.
A pile of objects sharing common allocation and lifecycle.
Key abstraction of the Render Engine: A Data processing Node.
Finding out about a concrete way of wiring up a ProcNode about to be built.