44 using engine::ExitNode;
48 using engine::JobTicket;
49 using engine::test::MockSegmentation;
80 .attrib (
83 CHECK (2 == segmentation.size());
85 CHECK (
Time(0,10) == seg.start());
87 CHECK (101010 == seg.exitNode[0].getPipelineIdentity());
106 CHECK (1 == segmentation.size());
113 return job.parameter.invoKey.part.a;
117 CHECK (13 == getMarker (ticket));
119 CHECK (not isnil(prereq));
120 CHECK (55 == getMarker (*prereq));
122 CHECK (23 == getMarker (*prereq));
124 CHECK (isnil(prereq));
static const Time ANYTIME
border condition marker value. ANYTIME <= any time value
Mock data structures to support implementation testing of render job planning and frame dispatch...
void fabricate_MockSegment()
Effective top-level exit point to pull rendered data from the nodes network.
Steam-Layer implementation namespace root.
Lumiera's internal time value datatype.
Simple test class runner.
Tiny helper functions and shortcuts to be used everywhere Consider this header to be effectively incl...
Mock setup for a complete Segmentation to emulate the structure of the actual fixture, without the need of building a low-level Model.
Link from the Fixture datastructure into the render node network.
For the purpose of building and rendering, the fixture (for each timeline) is partitioned such that e...
static const Time NEVER
border condition marker value. NEVER >= any time value
Individual frame rendering task, forwarding to a closure.
void retrieve_JobTicket()
auto getPrerequisites()
Core operation: iterate over the prerequisites, required to carry out a render operation based on thi...
execution plan for pulling a specific exit node.
bool isSameObject(A const &a, B const &b)
compare plain object identity, bypassing any custom comparison operators.