66 typedef vector<int>::iterator sourceIter;
78 #define SHOW_CHECK(_EXPR_) cout << STRINGIFY(_EXPR_) << "\t : " << (_EXPR_::value? "Yes":"No") << endl; 98 typedef std::vector<long> LongVector;
99 typedef std::multiset<Time> TimeSet;
100 typedef std::map<int,char> CharMap;
101 typedef std::list<bool> BoolList;
102 typedef std::deque<ushort> ShortDeque;
103 typedef TestSource CustomCont;
106 typedef TestSource::iterator ForwardRangeIter;
a mutable time value, behaving like a plain number, allowing copy and re-accessing ...
Iterator tool filtering pulled data according to a predicate.
Query a scope to discover it's contents or location.
Implementation namespace for support and library code.
Simple test class runner.
Specific queries to explore contents of a scope within the high-level model.
Accessing a STL element range through a Lumiera forward iterator, An instance of this iterator adapte...
a family of time value like entities and their relationships.
Perform operations "for each element" of a collection.
Adapter for building an implementation of the »Lumiera Forward Iterator« concept. ...
Metaprogramming helpers to check for specific properties of a type in question.