Lumiera  0.pre.03
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visitor-dispatcher.hpp File Reference

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Helper for a trampoline table based implementation of the visitor pattern.

implementation part, clients should include visitor.hpp

Definition in file visitor-dispatcher.hpp.

#include "lib/error.hpp"
#include "lib/util.hpp"
#include "lib/sync-classlock.hpp"
#include "lib/depend.hpp"
#include <vector>


class  Dispatcher< TAR, TOOL >
 For each possible call entry point via some subclass of the visitable hierarchy, we maintain a dispatcher table to keep track of all concrete tool implementations able to receive and process calls on objects of this subclass. More...
class  Tag< TOOL >
 Type tag for concrete visiting tool classes. More...
class  Tag< TOOL >
 Type tag for concrete visiting tool classes. More...
struct  TagTypeRegistry< TOOL, TOOLImpl >


 Implementation namespace for support and library code.