42 using steam::engine::test::testData;
86 FrameCnt frameNr = 123;
87 BuffHandle buff00 = sink1.lockBufferFor (frameNr);
88 BuffHandle buff10 = sink2.lockBufferFor (frameNr);
94 BuffHandle buff11 = sink2.lockBufferFor (++frameNr);
99 sink2.emit (frameNr-1, buff10);
100 sink2.emit (frameNr , buff11);
101 sink1.emit (frameNr-1, buff00);
106 CHECK ( checker.frame_was_allocated (0,123));
107 CHECK (!checker.frame_was_allocated (0,124));
108 CHECK ( checker.frame_was_allocated (1,123));
109 CHECK ( checker.frame_was_allocated (1,124));
111 CHECK (checker.output_was_closed (0,0));
112 CHECK (checker.output_was_closed (1,0));
113 CHECK (checker.output_was_closed (1,1));
115 CHECK ( checker.output_was_emitted (0,0));
116 CHECK (!checker.output_was_emitted (0,1));
117 CHECK ( checker.output_was_emitted (1,0));
118 CHECK ( checker.output_was_emitted (1,1));
120 DiagnosticOutputSlot::OutFrames stream0 = checker.getChannel(0);
121 DiagnosticOutputSlot::OutFrames stream1 = checker.getChannel(1);
124 CHECK (*stream0 == testData(0,0)); ++stream0;
128 CHECK (*stream1 == testData(1,0)); ++stream1;
129 CHECK (*stream1 == testData(1,1)); ++stream1;
Mock data frame for simulated rendering.
An facility for writing unit-tests against the OutputSlot interface.
denotes an opened connection ready to receive media data for output.
Steam-Layer implementation namespace root.
BU & accessAs()
convenience shortcut: access the buffer contents casted to a specific type.
Helper for unit tests: Mock output sink.
Simple test class runner.
Extension to allow placing objects right into the buffers, taking ownership.
A front-end to support the buffer management within the render nodes.
Interface: Generic output sink.
Allocation & allocate()
claim this slot for exclusive use
Handle for a buffer for processing data, abstracting away the actual implementation.
static OutputSlot & build()
build a new Diagnostic Output Slot instance, discard the existing one.
Unit test helper to generate fake test data frames.