Lumiera  0.pre.03
»edit your freedom«

user defined literal for expected result strings.On equality comparison to any other string convertible object, the difference to this expected string is printed to STDERR

CHECK (result23 == "[-100..100]"_expect);
TEST-HELPER.hpp - collection of functions supporting unit testing
Copyright (C)
2009, Hermann Vosseler <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "lib/symbol.hpp"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
namespace lib {
namespace test{
using lib::Literal;
using std::string;
using std::rand;
constexpr auto ROUGH_PRECISION = pow (10, -3);
constexpr auto EPSILON_ULP = 5;
template<typename F, typename N>
constexpr inline meta::enable_if< std::is_floating_point<F>,
bool >
roughEQ (F val, N target, F limit =ROUGH_PRECISION)
REQUIRE (0 < limit);
return abs (val/target - F(1)) < limit;
template<typename F>
constexpr inline meta::enable_if< std::is_floating_point<F>,
F >
ulp (F val)
val = fabs (val);
const int exp = val < std::numeric_limits<F>::min()
? std::numeric_limits<F>::min_exponent - 1 // fixed exponent for subnormals
: std::ilogb (val);
auto scaledUlp = std::ldexp (std::numeric_limits<F>::epsilon(), exp);
ENSURE (F(0) < scaledUlp);
return scaledUlp;
template<typename F, typename N>
constexpr inline meta::enable_if< std::is_floating_point<F>,
bool >
epsEQ (F val, N target, uint ulps =EPSILON_ULP)
return abs (val - target) < ulps * ulp<F> (target);
showSizeof (size_t siz, string name);
template<typename T>
inline string
showSizeof (T const* obj =0, const char* name =0)
return showSizeof (obj? sizeof(*obj) : sizeof(T),
name? name : util::typeStr(obj));
template<typename T>
inline meta::disable_if<std::is_pointer<T>,
string > // note:: force invocations with pointer to the first overload
showSizeof (T const& obj, const char* name=0)
return showSizeof (&obj, name);
template<typename T>
inline string
showSizeof (const char* name)
return showSizeof<T> (nullptr, name);
template<typename R>
return std::is_lvalue_reference<R>::value? "REF"
: std::is_rvalue_reference<R>::value? "MOV"
: "VAL";
template<typename... EMPTY>
inline string
return " :.";
template<typename X, typename... XS>
inline string
showVariadicTypes (X const& x, XS const&... xs)
return " :---#"
+ boost::lexical_cast<string>(1 + sizeof...(xs))
+ " -- Type: " + util::typeStr(x)
+ " " + showRefKind<X>()
+ " Address* " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(&x)
+ "\n"
+ showVariadicTypes<XS...> (xs...);
template<typename X>
struct TypeDebugger
static_assert (not sizeof(X), "### Type Debugging ###");
template<typename X>
typeDebugger(X&& x)
static_assert (not sizeof(X), "### Type Debugging ###");
namespace { // helper for printing type diagnostics
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "";
static constexpr auto postfix = "";
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics<const X>
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "const ";
static constexpr auto postfix = "";
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics<X&>
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "";
static constexpr auto postfix = "&";
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics<X&&>
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "";
static constexpr auto postfix = " &&";
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics<X const&>
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "";
static constexpr auto postfix = " const&";
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics<X const&&>
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "const ";
static constexpr auto postfix = " &&";
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics<X *>
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "";
static constexpr auto postfix = " *";
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics<const X *>
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "const ";
static constexpr auto postfix = " *";
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics<const X * const>
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "const ";
static constexpr auto postfix = " * const";
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics<X * const>
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "";
static constexpr auto postfix = " * const";
template<typename X>
struct TypeDiagnostics<X * const *>
using Type = X;
static constexpr auto prefix = "";
static constexpr auto postfix = " * const *";
template<typename X>
inline string
using Case = TypeDiagnostics<X>;
using Type = typename Case::Type;
return Case::prefix
+ meta::humanReadableTypeID (typeid(Type).name())
+ Case::postfix;
return lib::time::Time (500 * (rand() % 2), (rand() % 600) + 1);
string randStr (size_t len);
class ExpectString
: public std::string
using std::string::string;
template<typename X>
friend bool
operator== (X const& x, ExpectString const& expected)
std::string actual{util::StringConv<X>::invoke (x)};
return expected.verify (actual);
template<typename X>
friend bool
operator== (ExpectString const& expected, X const& x)
std::string actual{util::StringConv<X>::invoke (x)};
return expected.verify (actual);
friend ExpectString
operator+ (std::string&& l, ExpectString&& r)
return ExpectString{(l+r).c_str()};
bool verify (std::string const& actual) const;
}} // namespace lib::test
operator""_expect (const char* lit, size_t siz)
return lib::test::ExpectString{lit, siz};
/* === test helper macros === */
try \
{ \
NOTREACHED("expected »%s« failure in: %s", \
} \
catch (lumiera::Error& ex) \
{ \
CHECK (ex.getID() \
== lib::test::ExpectString{LUMIERA_ERROR_##ERROR_ID} );\
lumiera_error(); \
} \
catch (...) \
{ \
CHECK (lumiera_error_peek() \
== lib::test::ExpectString{LUMIERA_ERROR_##ERROR_ID} ); \
lumiera_error(); \
try \
{ \
NOTREACHED("expected »%s«-failure in: %s" \
} \
catch (std::exception& sex) \
{ \
CHECK (util::contains (sex.what(), FAILURE_MSG) \
,"expected failure with »%s« -- but got: %s" \
,FAILURE_MSG, sex.what()); \
lumiera_error(); \
} \
catch (...) \
{ \
NOTREACHED("expected »%s«-failure, " \
"yet something scary happened instead...", \
#define MARK_TEST_FUN \
cout << "|" << endl << "| »"<<__FUNCTION__<<"«" <<endl;