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a guide towards styling

This page is a place to collect pieces of information regarding the visual appearance of the Lumiera GTK UI. Further (more technical) aspects regarding the inner workings of the toolkit can be found in the »Code Base« section regarding GTK. Details about the concrete arrangement and conventions within some parts of the UI are given on the sub pages…
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GTK-3 styles

Styling of GTK-3 interfaces is based on CSS, with some specific conventions about the selectors and some additional macro functions to generate colours and gradients. When GTK actually renders a widget, it consults a strategy object known as Theme Engine, passing it the region to draw in a abstracted way. The Theme Engine in turn uses a “style provider” to retrieve the generic style properties it uses for drawing. Thus, the Theme Engine defines the actual meaning of any style and is in the position to understand and thus introduce additional engine specific styles and settings.

CSS Selectors

Rules can be targeted towards some style nodes using selectors as known from CSS, notably including contextual selectors.

  • the base widgets from GTK+ and Gtkmm define the “tag” names

  • custom widgets bear the name of the base widget they extend

  • individual nodes can be addressed by #id if the widget instance invokes set_name("id")

  • moreover, if the widget associates itself with a style class through its style context, i.e. by invoking get_style_context()->add_class("class"), it will also pick up rules bound to that .class in the CSS.

GTK-3 supports the powerful cascading and contextual selectors from CSS. Thus the nesting of elements in the GUI forms the base for creating styling rules. Hereby, widget class names translate into “tag” names in the CSS selectors.
[The “tag” name is the widget’s class name without the Gtk:: prefix, and transformed into all lower caps, single word, no underscores. E.g. Gtk::TextViewtextview.
However — these names are established programmatically, unfortunately within the C implementation of the style class constructor, which makes them more or less hard wired. The Gtk::Widget subclasses from Gtkmm (C++ language) use their own naming scheme, apart from the basic GTK+ (C language) names, and it is basically not possible for custom widgets to expose their distinct type names — rather they will show up under the name of the base class used from Gtkmm.]
Widgets may also expose CSS classes for styling — the standard widgets define a generic set of predefined CSS style classes, which can be used to establish the foundation for theming. Obviously it is preferable to keep styling rules as concise, generic and systematic as possible; yet we may still refer to individual GUI elements by name (#ID) though.

difficulties when learning how to style

Unfortunately, documentation about creating GTK-3 themes is still fragmentary. Most people seem to learn by studying existing themes. To make matters worse, CSS allows to address every widget under various contextual constraints — and people tend to approach such abundant possibilities with a case-by-case attitude, instead of a systematic approach, and this leads to incredible large and redundant stylesheets.

Often we’ll also face the perils of over-constrained settings. More so, since every system contains several style sheets, and settings from those are combined (“cascaded”). When things are specified multiple times redundantly at different levels, we can never be sure as to which change actually caused a visible effect. A good recommendation is really to “probe” settings by changing them temporarily to a really obvious value (e.g. background-color: red). It is just too easy to learn wrong techniques based on false conclusions.

the GTK+ inspector

An essential tool when working with styles and Gtk widgets in general is the GTK+ inspector, which is part of the standard GTK distribution. It allows to inspect all GTK objects with their properties, and to see the actual tree of CSS nodes and the corresponding selectors. You can even add a style class or state flag (like “hover”) dynamically, and you may add style rules and verify the effect on the application immediately. To use this ispector, launch the application like GTK_DEBUG=interactive target/lumiera

binary themes

GTK-3 supports binary theme bundles, which combine CSS style sheets and accompanying images and vector graphics into a single archive file. See this blog entry for a tutorial. But when it comes to investigating an existing theme, we need a way to extract the original sources from such a distribution bundle. This can be achieved with the help of the gresource command. The following bash script
[published by Peter Gordon to the Public Domain at his blog in 2012]
simplifies this process, allowing to extract all resource files in a given GResource file, with the given base URL. For example, if a GResource file contained the resource with the URL /org/foo/bar/baz.txt, and the base URL defined as "/org/foo/", then the resource named /org/foo/bar/baz.txt in that file would be extracted and written to bar/baz.txt in the current directory.


# The GResource file name

# base URL of  the extracted resources

which gresource &>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "Unable to find gresource program in PATH."
        exit 1

for RSRC in $(gresource list $GR_FILE)
        RSRC_FILE=$(echo "${RSRC#$GR_BASEDIR}")
        mkdir -p $(dirname "$RSRC_FILE") ||:
        gresource extract "$GR_FILE" "$RSRC" > "$RSRC_FILE"

UI building blocks

The Lumiera UI achieves some degree of uniformity by adhering to common schemes and conventions; moreover, we ship a dedicated Application Style Sheet to establish a distinct look and feel(planned as of 2022) — additionally, as alternative, we ship “theme complement” style sheets to add just those CSS definitions necessary for Lumiera to properly work together with a typical GTK desktop theme.

BEM Methodology

More elaborate websites as well as larger applications tend to run into problems with naming of components. Unintended matches of CSS rules in other segments of the site may cause side effects, thereby hampering the ability to adapt a given part to new requirements. While the true cause for such problems is rooted in an unsystematic and “pragmatic” attitude, treating the style as an assortment of local tweaks, a coherent naming scheme helps to indicate which setting is meant to be generic and global, and which one addresses a bounded scope. As an ubiquitous naming scheme, the BEM notation(TODO find a good authoritative website to link) has gained some traction in the context of naming of CSS selectors. Yet at the same time, also an unfortunate trend could be observed to neglect or even defeat the cascading nature of CSS and to apply redundant and repetitive fine grained styles to individual elements.
[Some people even think they need style generators to cope with the resulting combinatoric explosion. A similar tendency can be observed in the realm of publication, where people frequently disregard or even directly reject the idea of a style sheet, and then create elaborate schemes of work organisation, combined with text processor macros, to cope with the nonsensical task of having to format each paragraph individually. Those disdaining the use of abstractions have to suffer and deserve no mercy.]

In Lumiera, we use a combination of style classes and element-IDs to define the anchor points to attach specific styling; typically, we also have to designate sub elements below such an anchor point, and here the usage of BEM notation is recommended:

  • the first part of a name designates the enclosing block — which must be a building block to be used in varying context and without the tie to a single specific hierarchy

  • the second part of the name, separated by "__", designates the individual element within this block. Such an element should be tied logically to the block; if this use is just an optional combination of building blocks and the element can also be used elsewhere, then it should be treated as another block rather.

  • sometimes we want to modify some aspects of the presentation by a fixed set of options, and in this case, the name can be extended by a modifier component, attached with a "--" separator.

The ElementBoxWidget

A flexible and open structure model is one of the cornerstones of the Lumiera architecture: Instead of relying on a common global data model, the application rather defines some structural conventions, assuming that individual Entities will be arranged in accordance to standardised patterns.

Those “Entities” are conceived as objects, which are placed into a context and expose properties and methods. Within the UI, this structure finds its correspondence in the ElementBoxWidget(TODO dedicated page and link), which is used pervasively as a building block in several contexts and for various purposes. All these usages visually share some kind of common denominator:

  • the »Entity« is represented as a box with a name

  • it features an icon as a leading handle

  • followed by a expander/collapser or menu button

This structure is implemented as a specialised Gtk::Frame — which uses a label widget comprised of a box with three elements: two icon buttons, and a text field. The content area of the Frame widget is used to represent the content of this “Element”; be it just a background box coloured in accordance to the type or kind of object, or be it a dedicated content renderer (for Clips in the Timeline) or even a canvas further exposing inner structures.

Style Tree






both icons are placed into a Gtk::Button to receive events