This page focusses on some rather intricate aspects of the code structure, the build system organisation and the interplay of application parts on a technical level.
Since the term “code” may denote several different kinds of entities, the place where some piece of code is located differs according to the context in question.
To start with, when it comes to building code in C/C++, the fundamental entity is a single translation unit. Assembler code is emitted while the compiler progresses through a translation unit. Each translation unit is self contained and represents a path of definition and understanding. Each translation unit starts out anew at a state of complete ignorance, at the end leading to a fully specified, coherent operational structure.
Within this definition of a coded structure, there is an inherent tension between the absoluteness of a definition (a definition in mathematical sense can not be changed, once given) and the order of spelling out this definition. When described in such an abstract way, this kind of observation might be deemed self evident and trivial, but let’s just consider the following complications in practice…
Headers are included into multiple translation units. Which means, they appear in several disjoint contexts, and must be written in a way independent of the specific context.
Macros, from the point of their definition onwards, change the way the compiler “sees” the actual code.
Namespaces are “open” — meaning they can be re-opened several times and populated with further definitions. The actual contents of any given namespace will be slightly different in each and every translation unit.
a Template is not in itself code, but a constructor function for actual code. It needs to be instantiated with concrete type arguments to produce code. And when this happens, the template instantiation picks up definitions as visible at that specific point in the path through the translation unit. A template instantiation might even pick up specific definitions depending on the actual parameters, and the current content of the namespace these parameter types are defined in. So it very much matters at which point a specific template instantiation is first mentioned.
it is possible to generate globally visible (or statically visible) code from a template instantiation. This may even happen several times when compiling multiple translation units; the final linking stage will silently remove such duplicate instantiations stemming from templates — and this resolution step just assumes that these duplicate code entities are actually equivalent. Mind me, this is an assumption and can not be easily verified by the compiler. With a bit of criminal energy (think namespaces), it is very much possible to produce several instantiations of, say, a static initialiser within a template class, which are in fact different operations. Such a setup puts us at the mercy of the random way in which the linker sees these instances.
Now the quest is to make good use of these various ways of defining things.
We want to write code which clearly conveys its meaning, without boring the
reader with tedious details not necessary to understand the main point in
question. And at the same time, we want to write code which is easy to
understand, easy to write and can be altered, extended and maintained.
[to put
it blatantly, a “simple clean language” without any means of expression
would not be of much help. All the complexities of reality would creep into the usage
of our »ideal« language, and, even worse, be mixed up there with the all the entropy
produced by doing the same things several times a different way.]
Since it is really hard to reconcile all these conflicting goals, we are bound to rely on patterns of construction, which are known to work out well in this regard.
When we refer to other definitions by importing headers, these imports should be
spelled out precisely to the point. Every relevant facility used in a piece of code
must be reflected by the corresponding #import
statement, yet there should not be any
spurious imports. Ideally, just by reading the prologue of a source file, the reader should
gain a clear understanding about the dependencies of this code. The standards are somewhat
different for header files, since every user of this header gets these imports too. Each
import incurs cost for the user — so the header should mention only those imports
which are really necessary to spell out our definition
which are likely to be useful for the typical standard use of our definition
Imports are to be listed in a strict order: always start with our own references, preferably starting with the facility most “on topic”. Besides, for rather fundamental library headers, it is a good idea to start with a very fundamental header, like e.g. lib/error.hpp. Of course, these widely used fundamental headers need to be carefully crafted, since the leverage of any other include pulled in through these headers is high.
Any imports regarding external or system libraries are given in a second block, after our own headers. This discipline opens the possibility for our own headers to configure or modify some system facilities, in case the need arises. It is desirable for headers to be written in a way independent of the include order. But in some, rare cases we need to rely on a specific order of include. In such cases, it is a good idea to encode this specific order right into some very fundamental header, so it gets fixed and settled early in the include processing chain. Our stage/gtk-base.hpp, as used by stage/gtk-lumiera.hpp is a good example.
We need the full definition of an entity whenever we need to know its precise memory layout, be it to allocate space, to pass an argument by-value, or to point into some filed within a struct, array or object. The full definition may be preceded by an arbitrary number of redundant, equivalent declarations. We do not actually need a full definition for any use not dealing with the space or memory layout of an entity. Especially, handling some element by pointer or reference, or spelling out a function signature to take this entity other than by-value, does not require a full definition.
Exploiting this fact allows us largely to reduce the load of dependencies, especially when it comes to “subsystem” or “package” headers, which define the access point to some central facility. Such headers should start with a list of the relevant core entities of this subsystem, but only in the form of “lightweight” forward declarations. Because, anyone actually to use one of these participants, is bound to include the specific header of this element anyway; all other users may safely skip the efforts and transitive dependencies necessary to spell out the full definition of stuff not actually used and needed.
In a similar vein, a façade interface does not actually need to pull in definitions for all the entities it is able to orchestrate. In most cases, it is sufficient to supply suitable and compatible `typedef`s in the public part of the interface, just to the point that we’re able to spell out the bare API function signatures without compilation error.
At the point, where a ctor is actually invoked, we require the full definition of the element about to be created. Consequently, at the place, where the ctor itself is defined (not just declared), the full definition of all the members of a class plus the full definition of all base classes is required. The impact of moving this point down into a single implementation translation unit can be huge, compared to incurring the same cost in each and every other translation unit just using an entity.
Yet there is a flip side of the coin: Whenever the compiler sees the full definition of an entity, it is able to inline operations. And the C++ compiler uses elaborate metrics to judge the feasibility of inlining. Especially when almost all ctor implementations are trivial (which is the case when writing good C++ style code), the runtime impact can be huge, basically boiling down a whole pile of calls and recursive invocations into precisely zero assembler code to be generated. This way, abstraction barriers can evaporate to nothingness. So we’re really dealing with a run time vs. development time and code size tradeoff here.
On a related note: care has to be taken whenever a templated class defines virtual methods. Each instantiation of the template will cause the compiler to emit a function which generates the VTable, together with code for each of the virtual functions. This effect is known as “template code bloat”.
It is is the very nature of a good design pattern, the reason why it is remembered and applied over and over again: to allow otherwise destructive forces to move past each other in a seemingly “friction-less” way. In our case, there is a design pattern known to resolve the high tension and potential conflict inherent to the situations and issues described above. And, in addition, it circumvents the lack of a real interface definition construct in C++ elegantly:
Whenever a facility has to offer an outward façade for the client, while at the same time engaging
into heavy weight implementation activities, then you may split this entity into an interface shell
and a private implementation delegate.
[the common name for this pattern, »PImpl« means
The interface part is defined in the header, fully eligible
for inlining. It might even be generic — templated to adapt to a wide array of parameter types.
The implementation of the API functions is also given inline, and just performs the necessary
administrative steps to accept the given parameters, before passing on the calls to the
private implementation delegate. This implementation object is managed by (smart) pointer,
so all of the dependencies and complexities of the implementation is moved into a single
dedicated translation unit, which may even be reshaped and reworked without the need to
recompile the usage site.
These constructs serve a similar purpose: To segregate concerns, together with the related dependencies and overhead. They, too, represent some trade-off: a typically very intricate library construct is traded for a lean and flexible construction at usage site.
A wrapper (smart-pointer or smart handle), based on the ability of C++ to invoke ctors and dtors of stack-allocated values and object members automatically, can be used so push some cross-cutting concern into a separate code location, together with all the accompanying management facilities and dependencies, so the actual “business code” remains untainted.
In a related, but somewhat different style, an opaque holder allows to “piggyback” a value without revealing the actual implementation type. When hooked this way behind a strategy interface, extended compounds of implementation facilities can be secluded into a dedicated facility, without incurring dependency overhead or tight coupling or even in-depth knowledge onto the client, yet typesafe and with automatic tracking for clean-up and failure management.
Each piece of code incurs cost of various kinds
it needs to be understood by the reader. Otherwise it will die sooner or later and from then on haunt the code base as a zombie.
writing code produces bugs and defects at a largely constant rate. The best code, the perfect code is code you do not write.
actual implementation produces machine code, which occupies space, needs to be loaded into memory (think caching) and performed.
to the contrary, mere definitions are for free, but --
even definitions consume compiler time (read: development cycle turnaround)
and since we’re developing with debug builds, each and every definition produces debug information in each and every translation unit referring it.
Thus, for every piece of code we must ask ourselves how much visible this code is, need to be. And we must consider the dependencies the code incurs. It pays off to turn something into a detail and “push it into the backyard”. This explains why we’re using the frontend - backend split so frequently.
To use stuff while writing code, a definition or at least a declaration needs to be brought into scope. This is fine as long as definitions are rather cheap, omitting and hiding the details of implementation. The user does not need to understand these details, and the compiler does not need to parse them.
The situation is somewhat different when it comes to binary dependencies though. At execution time, all we get is pieces of data, and functions able to process specific data. Thus, whenever some piece of data is to be used, the corresponding functions need to be loaded and made available. Most of the time we’re linking dynamically, and thus the above means that a dynamic library providing those functions needs to be loaded. This other dynamic library becomes a dependency of our executable or library; it is recorded in the dynamic section of the headers of our ELF binary (executable or library). Such a needed dependency is recorded there in the form of a “SONAME”: this is an unique, symbolic ID denoting the library we’re depending on. At runtime, it is the responsibility of the system’s dynamic linker to translate these SONAMEs into actual libraries installed somewhere on the system, to load those libraries and to map the respective memory pages into our current process' address space, and finally to relocate the references in our assembly code to point properly to the functions of this library we’re depending on.
The Lumiera application uses a layered architecture, where upper layers may depend on the services of lower layers, but not vice versa. The top layer, the GUI is defined to be strictly optional. As long as all we had to deal with was code in upper layers using and invoking services in lower layers, there would not be much to worry. Yet to produce any tangible value, software has to collaborate on shared data. So the naive “natural” form of architecture would be to build everything around shared knowledge about the layout of this data. Unfortunately such an approach endangers the most central property of software, namely to be “soft”, to adapt to change. Inevitably, data centric architectures either grow into a rigid immobile structure, or they breed an intangible insider culture with esoteric knowledge and obscure conventions and incantations. The only known solution to this problem (incidentally a solution known since millennia), is to rely on subsidiarity. “Tell, don’t ask”
This gets us into a tricky situation regarding binary dependencies. Subsidiarity leads to an interaction pattern based on handshakes and exchanges, which leads to mutual dependency. One side places a contract for offering some service, the other side reshapes its internal entities to comply to that contract superficially. Dealing with the entities involved in such a handshake effectively involves the internal functions of both sides. Which is in contradiction to a “clean” layer hierarchy.
For a more tangible example, lets assume our vault layer has to do some work on behalf of the GUI; so the vault offers a contract to outline the properties of stuff it can work on. In compliance with this contract, the GUI hands over some data entities to the vault to work on — but by their very nature, these data entities are and always remain GUI entities. When the vault invokes compliant operations on these entities, it effectively invokes functionality implemented in the GUI. Which makes the vault layer binary dependent on the GUI.
While this problem can not be resolved in principle, there are ways to work around it, to the degree
necessary to get hierarchically ordered binary dependencies — which is what we need to make a lower
layer operative, standalone, without the upper layer(s). The key is to introduce an abstraction,
and then to segregate along the realm of this abstraction, which needs to be chosen large enough
in scope to cast the service and its contract entirely in terms of this abstraction, but at the same
time it needs to be kept tight enough to prevent details of the client to leak into the abstraction.
When this is achieved (which is the hard part), then any operations dealing with the abstraction solely
can be migrated into the entity offering the service, while the client hides the extended knowledge about
the nature of the manipulated data behind a builder function.
[frequently this leads to the
“type erasure” pattern, where specific knowledge about the nature of the fabricated entities — thus
a specific type — is relinquished and dropped once fabrication is complete]
This way, the client retains
ownership on these entities, passing just a reference to the service implementation. This move ties the binary
dependency on the client implementation to this factory function — as long as this factory remains
within the client, the decoupling works and eliminates binary cross dependencies.
This solution pattern can be found at various places within the code base; in support we link with
strict dependency checking (Link flag --no-undefined
), so every violation of the predefined
hierarchical dependency order of our shared modules is spotted immediately during build.
We hope for Lumiera to be not only installed on desktop systems, but also used in a studio or production context, where you’ll use a given system just for the duration of one project. This might even be specific hardware booted with a Live-System, or it might be a “headless” render-farm node. For this reason, we impose the explicit requirement that Lumiera must be fully usable without installation. Unzip the application into some folder, launch, start working. There might be some problems with required media handling libraries, but the basic idea is to use a self-contained bundle or sub-tree, and the application needs to locate all the further required resources actively on start-up.
On the other hand, we want Lumiera to be a good citizen, packaged in the usual way,
compliant to the Unix FileSystem Hierarchy standard. It turns out these two
rather conflicting goals can be reconciled by leveraging some of the advanced features
of the GNU dynamic linker: The application will figure out the whereabouts relatively,
starting from the location of the executable, and with the help of some search paths
and symlinks, the same mechanism can be made to work in the usual FSH compliant
installation into /usr/lib/lumiera
and /usr/share/lumiera
This way, we end up with a rather elaborate start-up sequence, where the application works out it’s own installation location and establishes all the further resources actively step by step
the first challenge is posed by the parts of the application built as dynamic libraries;
effectively most of the application code resides in some shared modules. Since we
most definitively want one global link step in the build process, where unresolved
symbols will be spotted, and we do want a coherent application core, so we use
dynamic linking right at start-up and thus need a way to make the linker locate
our further modules and components relative to the executable. Fortunately, the
GNU linker supports some extended attributes in the .dynamic
section of ELF
executables, known as the “new style d-tags” — see the extensive description
in the next section below
any executable may define an extended search path through the RUNPATH
which is searched to locate dynamic libraries and modules before looking
into the standard directories
[the linker also supports the old-style RPATH
tag, which is deprecated.
In the age of multi-arch installation and virtual machines, the practice of baking
in the installation location of each library into the RPATH
is no longer adequate.
For the time being, our build system sets both RPATH
and the new-style, more
secure RUNPATH
to the same value relative to the executable. We will cease
using RPATH
at some point in the future]
and this search patch may contain relative entries, using the special
magic token $ORIGIN
to point at the directory holding the executable
By convention, the Lumiera buildsystem bakes in the search location $ORIGIN/modules
— so this subdirectory below the location of the executable is where all the dynamic
modules of the application will be placed by default
after the core application has been loaded and all direct dependencies are resolved,
but still before entering main()
, the class lumiera::AppState
will be initialised,
which in turn holds a member of type lumiera::BasicSetup
. The latter will figure out
the location of the executable
[this is a Linux-only trick, using /proc/self/exe
and require a setup.ini file in the same directory. This setup file is mandatory.
from there, the search paths are retrieved to locate the extended resources of the
application. All these search paths are a colon separated list; the entries may
optionally also use the token $ORIGIN
to refer to the location of the main executable.
The default version of setup.ini is outfitted with search paths to cover both the
situation of a self-contained bundle, but also the situation of a FSH compliant
this is where the plugin loader looks for additional extensions and plug-ins, most notably the GUI plugin
defines the name of this GUI plugin, which is loaded and activated from
— unless Lumiera starts in “headless” mode
all the extended application configuration will be picked up from these directories (not yet implemented as of 2015)
root of the folder structure used to load icons and similar graphical elements for the GTK-UI. Below, several subdirectories for various icon sizes are recognised. Actually, most of our icons are defined as SVG and rendered using libCairo during the build process.
the place where the GTK-UI looks for further resources, most notably…
the name of the CSS-stylesheet for GTK-3, which defines the application specific look, styling and theme.
While the first two steps, the relative locations $ORIGIN/modules
and $ORIGIN/setup.ini
are hard-wired, the further resolution steps rely on the contents of setup.ini and are
open for adjustments and reconfiguration, both for the packager or the advanced user.
Any failure or mismatch during this start-up sequence will be considered fatal and abort
the application execution.
Management of library dependencies can be a tricky subject, both obscure and contentious. There is a natural tension between the application developers (»upstream«), the packagers and distributors. Developers have a natural tendency to cut short on “secondary” concerns in order to keep matters simple. As a developer, you always try to stretch to the limit, and this very tendency limits your ability to care for intricate issues faced by just a few users, or to care for compatibility or even for extended tutorial documentation. So, as an upstream developer, if you know that the stuff you’ve built works just fine with a specific library version — be it bleeding edge or be it outdated and obsoleted since years — the most pragmatic and adequate answer is to demand from your users just to “come along with you” — frankly, the active developer has zero inclination to look back to past issues already overcome in the course of development, nor has he much interest to engage in other fields of ongoing debate not conductive to his own concerns right now. So the best solution for the developer would be just to wrap-up his own system and ship it as a huge bundle to the users. Every other solution seems inferior, just adding weight, efforts and pain without tangible benefit.
Obviously, a distributor can not agree to that stance. To create a coherent and reliable whole out of the thousand individual variations the upstream developers breed, is in itself a herculean task and would simply be impossible without forcing some degree of standardisation onto the developers. In fact, the distributor’s task becomes feasible only by offloading some efforts for compatibility in small portions onto the shoulders of the individual upstream projects. A preference for using a common set of shared libraries is even built into the toolchain, and there is a distinct tendency to discourage and even hide away the mechanisms otherwise available to deal with a self contained bundle of libraries.
Speaking in terms of history, explicit mechanisms to support packaging and distribution management are a rather new phenomenon and tend to conflict with the glorious »Unix Way« of doing things, they are cross-cutting, global and invasive. On Unix systems, traditionally there used to be two overriding mechanisms for library resolution, one for the user, one for the developer:
environment variable allows the user on invocation to manipulate
the search location for loading dynamic libraries; it takes precedence over all default
configured system wide installation locations and over the contents of the linker cache.
In the past, astute users frequently configured an elaborate LD_LIBRARY_PATH
into their
login profile and managed an extended set of private installation locations with custom
compiled libraries. Obviously this caused an avalanche of problems at the point where
significant functionality of a system started to be just “provided” and no single
person was able to manage all of the everyday functionality alone on their own.
Basically, the advent of graphical desktop systems marked this breaking point.
tag, which is the other override mechanism available for the builder of software,
was made to defeat and overrule the effect of LD_LIBRARY_PATH
. Search locations baked
in as DT_RPATH
take absolute precedence and can not be altered with any other means besides
recompiling the executable (or at least rewriting the .dynamic
section in the ELF binary).
Over time, it became »best practice« to bake in the installation location into each and
every binary, which kind-of helped the upstream developers to re-gain control over the
libraries actually being used to execute their code. But unfortunately, the distributors
were left with zero options to manage large-scale library dependency transitions, beyond
patching the build system of each and every package.
Based on this situation, the new-style d-tags were designed to implement a different
precedence hierarchy. Whenever the new d-tags are enabled,
[the --enable-new-dtags
linker flag is default in many current distributions, and especially with the »gold« linker.]
the presence of a DT_RUNPATH
tag in the .dynamic
section of an ELF binary completely disables
the effect of any DT_RPATH
. Moreover, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
is automatically disabled, whenever
a binary is installed as set-user-ID or set-group-ID — which closes a blatant security loophole.
The use of both RPATH
is strongly discouraged. Debian policy for example
does not explicitly rule out the use of RPATH
, but it is considered bad practice
[a good summary of the situation can be found on
this Debian page ]
— with the exception of using a relative
with $ORIGIN
to add non-standard library search locations to libraries that are only
intended for usage by the given executable or other libraries within the same source package.
In the new system, the precedence order is as follows
[see manpage on or manpage (more recent) ]
entries, unless the executable is setuid
from the .dynamic
section of that ELF binary, library or executable
causing the actual library lookup.
/etc/ entries, unless the -z nodeflib
linker flaw was given at link time
/lib, /usr/lib (and the platform-decorated variants) unless -z nodeflib
was given at link time
otherwise linking fails (“not found”).
All the “search paths” mentioned here are colon separated lists of directories.
![]() |
The new-style DT_RUNPATH is not extended recursively when resolving transitive dependencies,
as was the case with RPATH . That is, if we dlopen(), which in turn marks
as DT_NEEDED , which in turn requires a — then the resolution for will
visit only the RUNPATH given in, but not the RUNPATH given in
(to the contrary, the old RPATH used to visit all these locations).This behaviour was chosen deliberately, in compliance with the ELF spec, as can be seen in this glibc bug #13945 and the developer comment by Roland McGrath from 2002 mentioned therein. |
To support flexible RUNPATH
(and RPATH
) settings, the GNU
(also the SUN and Irix linkers)
allow the usage of some “magic” tokens in the .dynamic
section of ELF binaries (both libraries
and executables):
the directory containing the executable or library actually triggering
the current (innermost) resolution step. Not to be confused with the entity
causing the whole linking procedure (an executable to be executed or a dlopen()
expands to the architecture/platform tag as provided by the OS kernel
the system libraries directory, which is /lib for the native architecture on FHS compliant GNU/Linux systems.
Since the new-style RUNPATH
is not extended for resolving transitive dependencies, each library,
when relying on relative locations, must provide its own RUNPATH
to point at the direct
dependencies at a relative location. This solution is a bit more tricky to set up, but in fact
more logical and scalable on the long run. Incidentally, it can be quite a challenge to escape
properly from any shell script or even build system — it is crucial that the
linker itself, not the compiler driver, actually gets to “see” the dollar sign, plain,
without spurious escapes.
Binary dependencies can be recursive: When our code depends on some library, this library might in turn depend on other libraries. At runtime, the dynamic linker/loader will detect all these transitive dependencies and try to load all the required shared libraries; thus our binary is unable to start, unless all these dependencies are already present on the target system. It is the job of the packager to declare all necessary dependencies in the software package definition, so users can install them through the package manager of the distribution.
There is a natural tendency to define those installation requirements too wide. For one, it is better
to be on the safe side, otherwise users won’t be able to run the executable at all. And on top of that,
there is the general tendency towards frameworks, toolkit sets and library collections — basically
a setup which is known to work under a wide range of conditions. Using any of these frameworks typically
means to add a standard set of dependencies, which is often way more than actually required to load and
execute our code. One way to fight this kind of “distribution dependency bloat” is to link --as-needed
In this mode, the linker silently drops any binary dependency not necessary for this concrete piece
of code to work. This is just awesome, and indeed we set this toggle by default in our build process.
But there are some issues to be aware of.
The linker actually needs to see the dependency. Indirect, conceptual dependencies, where the client takes initiative and enrols itself actively with the server, will slip through unnoticed. Under some additional conditions, especially with self-configuring systems, this omission might even cause a whole dependency and subsystem to be disabled.
As a practical example, our C++ unit-tests are organised into test-suites, where the individual test uses
a registration mechanism, providing the name of the suite and category tags. This way, the test runner
may be started to execute just some category of tests. Now, switching tests to dynamic linking causes
an insidious side effect: The registration mechanism uses static initialisation — which is the commonly
used mechanism for this kind of tasks in C++. Place a static variable into an anonymous namespace — it
will be initialised by the runtime system on start-up, causing any constructor code to run right when
it is needed to enrol itself with the global (test) service. Unfortunately, static initialisation of
shared objects is performed at load time of the library — which never happens unless the linker has
figured out the dependency and added the library to the required set. But the linker won’t be able
to see this dependency when building the test-runner, since the client, the individual test-case in
the shared library is the one to call into the test-runner, not the other way round. The registration
function resides in a common support library, picked as dependency both by the test-runner and the
individual test case, but this won’t help us either. So, in this case (and similar cases), we need
either to fabricate a “dummy” call into the library holding the clients (tests), or we need to
link the test-runner with --no-as-needed
— which is the preferred solution, and in fact is
what we do.
[see tests/SConscript]
Locating binary dependencies relative to the executable (as described above) gets complicated when several
of our own dynamically linked modules depend on each other transitively. For example, a plug-in might
depend on
, which in turn depends on
. Now, when we link
, the linker will add the direct dependency, but omit the transitive dependency on the
support library. Which means, at runtime, that we’d need to find the support library when we are
about to load the vault layer library. With the typical, external libraries already installed to the
system this works, since the linker has built-in “magic” knowledge about the standard installation
locations of system libraries. Not so for our own loadable components — recall, the idea was to provide
a self-contained directory tree, which can be relocated in the file system as appropriate, without the
need to “install” the package officially. The GNU dynamic linker can handle this requirement, though,
if we supply an additional, relative search information with the library pulling in the transitive
dependency. In our example,
needs an additional search path to locate
relative to the vault layer lib (and not relative to the executable).
For this reason, our build system by default supplies such a search hint with every Lumiera lib or
dynamic module — assuming that our own shared libraries are installed into a subdirectory modules
the location of the executable; other dynamic modules (plug-ins) may be placed in sibling directories.
So, to summarise, our build defines the following RPATH