State | Final |
Date | 2008-04-05 |
Proposed by | ct |
NoBug logging flag hierachy
NoBug allows hierachical organization of logging flags. Propose a documentation/planning about the setup.
Take a look at my draft at: link:;a=blob;f=doc/devel/nobug_flags.t t;h=74471e255e6ebfedb642e450bdfd3f79e346c600;hb=backend[NoBug_flags]
I’ve added the things I planning for the backend, others might add their own plans there too. So far this is an early draft, comments welcome.
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outdated information. Have a look at include/logging.h |
Needs a file.c defining the common root see Lumiera/DesignProcess/GlobalInitialization
Everyone needs to setup this hierachy by NOBUG_DEFINE_FLAG_PARENT (flag, parent_flag);
When done right, logging control is much easier, just NOBUG_LOG=lumiera:DEBUG would suffice.
We need some easy way to control logging, later on when lumiera runs in beta tests it must be easy to tell a tester how to create useable debugging logs.
cehteh will care for further integration
- ct
The basic idea is still valid, but information in this RfC is quite outdated.
Meanwhile, we have a somewhat different and largely extended log hierarchy.
And it turned out, that it isn’t practical to scatter the NOBUG_FLAG_PARENT
definitions all over the code base. Rather, we use a single include file
to define all flags in a systematic way
- Ichthyostega
Di 29 Okt 2013 05:52:34 CET <>
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